In the end, it isn't the dark itself that frightens us. It's what lurks in the shadows, just waiting for us to make that one step out of the road we were destined for that makes us wary, moving slowly, groping for an edge of reality we can hold on to and use as our guide in the dark.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Superhero OC

Name: Sahar Esh (translation- Fire Moon. Named after the fifth moon of planet Klomcorious, a sphere of a cold, liquid, lava-like substance)

Age: 15 Klomcorious years, 210 earth years. Appears 15.

Height- 1 meter, 44 cm (4’8”)
the hairstyle I had in mind
Weight- changes according to the weight of the substance her hands are at a given moment.
Eye Color- a very, very dark indigo.
Hair- normally styled in a long plait that starts on top of her head and goes down to her lower back. Redhead.
Body Build- Humanoid. Very short and quite slim. Elfish features (no pointy ears, though). Athletic build. Pale skin (if you look closely, it’s close to a lilac shade, but normally looks white)
Personality- daring, curious, adventurous, a quick learner, still very awkward around humans. Is very energetic and a passionate talker. Has a very strong sense of justice and can decide instantly whether she likes a certain person or not. Things considered trivial around humans (the existence of household pets) astound her, though things like mathematics, physics, rocket-science, religion, etc, seem unnecessary to her.

Costume: Knee-high boots she has brought with her from Klomcorious (they have adjustable friction and do not make noise). Other than that, normal everyday clothes. Sahar likes t-shirts with supposedly humorous imprints such as ‘I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person’.

Powers: Can turn her hands into any substance she knows about. If solid- her hands remain in the shape of hands. If liquid or plasma- Sahar can shape it in any way she wants, but using only the mass of liquid equal to her hand’s mass. If gas- can detach itself from her arms and move according to her will. Arms look like stumps until the gas is inhaled by something or someone, or called back by her, in which case her arms grow back in their normal state.

Weapons: Has a strong fear of guns, double barreled shotguns in particular. Dislikes explosions. Uses her hands in combat.

Skills: Can single-handedly pilot a vacuum-powered spaceship. Is good with electronic circuits, but doesn’t understand computers and phones. Since arriving on earth, has learnt MMA to quite impressive achievements. Fluent in 7 languages (English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, and Lomcor [Klomcorious’ native language])

Source of Powers: The Klomcorious race is very intent on speeding up evolution processes. Sahar was a lab-grown experiment that was meant to develop a new Klomcorian race stage with the ability to transform themselves into anything by will. She hatched and proved a great success, and the Me’itscim (pronounced meh-ee-zim, Lomcor for Accelerators) have given her the tools to travel the Universe in search of all substances. They want her to come back as soon as she finds them all so they could extract the information from her brain (yes, that’s as painful as it sounds) and implant it in the new generation’s chromosomes.  She knows better than to get back to Klomcorious, and she’s developed a fondness for earth and mankind, so she stayed.

Weaknesses: Very, very socially awkward. Can become too loyal too quickly, and her impulse to do what is right leaves her quite vulnerable to traps and the likes. She bonds very easily, and is insulted very easily. Stands out in a crowd, draws attention to self by shouting when things get too silent in her opinion. If she turns her hands into a solid and they break/tear (fabric)/etc then her hands don’t grow back (has a missing piece on her left little finger from when the Me’itscim tested that).

Villains: The Me’itscim, I suppose? Any organization that would want to take her and do experiments on her?

Motivation: Curiosity and an impulse for there to be justice. Will most likely physically harm a person who cheated on their loved ones, but will not touch a person who steals a television so they could sell it so their family would have food.

Principal/Goal: To be loved. Not as a successful experiment, not as a skilled spaceship pilot, not as a phenomenon, but as a friend, a personality.

Secret Identity/Alias/Normal name: Alice Lang.

Occupation: Doesn’t go to school. Lives in a fancy studio apartment in central London. Has enough money to buy the entire planet, if she wanted to, due to a program in her spaceship. Her spaceship is kept in her apartment.

Other- Loves reading, is attracted to (can fall in love with) humans of any gender, wishes she had a family.

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